The Patti-Jackson Music Scholarship
More than 175 CH-UH students have honed their musical skills with the help of private music lessons thanks to the Patti-Jackson Music Scholarship. Scholarships are awarded based on music teacher recommendations. We are so grateful for the donors who make this program possible.

Shortly after Vince Patti passed away in July of 2005, his children and friends created a fund in his name to support the Heights tradition of musical excellence as a fitting tribute to this inspiring musician and educator. Mr. Patti taught elementary instrumental music for much of his 20-year tenure in the Cleveland Heights-University Heights school district. The Patti family asked Reaching Heights to create a fund to be used for a music lesson scholarship program for CH-UH elementary and middle school students that would allow them to gain a firm footing with their instruments.
Denise Jackson was a Reaching Heights' trustee, parent of Heights musicians, and an accomplished musician in her own right. She began her career as a musician in Chicago and subsequently became a successful Cleveland attorney. Denise had a lifelong passion for music. She earned both a Bachelor of Music and a Master of Music degree from Northwestern University, and performed with the New World Symphony in Miami under the direction of Michael Tilson Thomas. She was creative in many areas, including gardening, knitting, and working with glass and tile. Following Denise’s death, her husband, Stew Pharis, asked that any memorial gifts be given to Reaching Heights, providing additional resources for our music lesson scholarship program.

Donations to Reaching Heights Patti-Jackson Fund may be made at any time. A $200 donation endows a Patti-Jackson Chair in the name of a person or musical instrument. Endowed chairs will be listed on music event programs for at least one year following the donation.
Your donation helps keep the musical arts alive and thriving in our schools.


The Bellini Family Cello Chair
Gift from Suzanne Bellini -
The Dunbar Family Chair
Gift from Mary Dunbar ​ -
The Gary Friedman Oboe Chair
Gift from Gary Friedman​ -
The Daniel Heim Chair
Gift from Kim Bambakidis​ -
The Susie Kaeser Chair
Gift from Tom & Dorothy Bier -
The Kazdan-Gooch Chair
Gift from David Kazdan & Laura Gooch ​ -
The Helen Lalewicz Violin Chair
Gift from Donna Lalewicz -
The Heights Rocks Chair
Gift from Vikki Nowak -
The Maier Family Chair
Gift from Howard & Susan Maier -
The Oliver Family Chair
Gift from Louisa & Solomon Oliver -
The Resseger Family Chair
Gift from Bill & Jan Resseger -
The Schubert Family Chair
Gift from Barbara & John Schubert -
The Sersig/Brandt Family Chairs (4)
Gift from Beth Sersig & Chris Brandt -
The Norine Sharp Chair
Gift from Blanche & Jack Valancy -
The Shumaker Chair
Gift from Sharon Shumaker & Mark Chupp -
The Sourini-Korane Family Chair
Gift from Jodi Sourini & Ken Korane -
The Wolpert-Lesser Family Chair
Gift from Susan Wolper & Ray Lesser -
The Kenneth Hall Woodside Flute Chair
Gift from Beth Woodside